Want To Be More Productive? Speed Document Turnaround
Law firms rely heavily on expensive paralegals, legal secretaries, or outside services to transcribe the many documents required for legal proceedings – client memos, contracts, motions, briefs, discovery and deposition summaries, and more. There are essentially two approaches to document creation in place today, and as case volumes and administrative costs continue to grow, each approach presents a unique set of drawbacks: Third-party Transcription: A lawyer dictates into a telephone or digital recorder, and the audio is sent to an outside transcriptionist; alternatively, the recording may be sent to an in-house transcriptionist, secretary or legal assistant. Outsourced transcription is simply too expensive and time consuming, slowing down proceedings, impacting client satisfaction, and cutting into profits. Although in-house transcription may be more cost-efficient than outsourced efforts, there is still a lengthy and unproductive back-and-forth of review cycles with support staff.
2140 Westwood Blvd, #224, Los Angeles, CA 90025