The familiar proverb, “It takes a whole village to raise a child,” expresses the complexities of child development in a simple way. Today, with children spending far less time with parents than in the past, their development is influenced by possibly hundreds of people, including teachers, counselors, professors, and coaches.

Like so many other valuable learning experiences, day camps help equip children with skills they need to become happy, successful, contributing adults. Camps strive to develop positive self-esteem and nurture a child’s sense of community. By emphasizing doing and learning, not final evolution, camping experiences show that the act of trying, in and of itself, can be experienced as a success or accomplishment.

Day camps also provide ways for children to express themselves in a non-threatening, nurturing environment through a variety of sports, games, theater, crafts, nature projects, and swimming. As anyone who has ever been to a great camp knows, the possibilities are endless. Of course, development is more than physical growth. It is the process through which children mature socially, emotionally, intellectually, and morally.

5945 Strickland Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11234, United States



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