You can spend hours going thru all the coins and currency on this site. You’ll find Silver coins, old coins, new coins, Foreign currency and coins and lots of U.S. currency. We have a great selection of error coins, fun coins and fun currency, odd finds and more. Your comments and observations are more than welcome. If you need additional pictures or have a question on any product, please contact us. We will strive to bring you the best shopping experience we can. So, for the beginner or the experienced collector I’m sure you will find something for your collection. We also have Baseball,Football and Basketball cards plus Micro Machines and collectibles. Take some time and enjoy. You may find that treasure you’ve been looking for.
Cheboygan, MI, USA
359 Eastern Ave.
989-255-6974 – Shannon-Handcrafters Asylum Plus
231-373-9109 – Handcrafters Asylum Plus
[email protected]