- Keep your mower blades sharp. You may spend hundreds of dollars a year to keep your lawn beautiful with fertilizer, aeration, watering, and weed control. But one of the most neglected, yet simplest things to do to keep your lawn looking great, is to keep your mower blades sharp. Mowing with sharp blades creates a clean cut that helps keeps your grass healthy and green, as well as ensuring your mower is working at its best.
- Do not mow your grass when it is wet. Mowing wet grass will take the edge off of your blade in short order. Time constraints make it hard to wait for the grass to dry, but waiting is the best thing you can do to keep your blades sharp and cutting cleanly.
- Maintenance cost is cheaper then repair costs. You’re probably more likely to remember to change the oil in your car before you remember to change oil in you mower or small engine equipment. But, just like your car, simple maintenance tasks, such as oil changes, air filters, spark plugs, etc., can keep the investment you’ve made in your small engine equipment running for years to come.
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