Anybody can fall in love, but are you “Qualified 2 Love”?
This Love we speak of being “Qualified” for is Built on the foundation of self love, honest, seeks growth, seeks the best for the other mate while not compromising what’s best for itself (within reason), is kind, is considerate, is giving, communicates with the aforementioned, is human but recognizes the commonly thought of “negative emotions” as tool to check in on what the lesson of growth is. (we will explore this in our LoveShop Study Groups on a deeper level)
Qualified 2 Love operates on this Love Trinity:
- 1. Love for Self and actively doing it. (the foundation of male/female quality love is self love)
- 2. Vetting and Diligence for the potential mate and vetting yourself on compatibility and readiness.
- 3. Living Qualified 2 Love ways of being. This is about living the lifestyle of a quality love relationship in practice. Putting the tools and methods in your daily living beyond a vague philosophy. LoveShop study groups will give you activities and methods to help you actually live the love you profess you want in reality.
Email us: [email protected]
Instagram: Qualified2Love