The Dog Training Clinic offers protection training for dog owners who are looking for both a pet and a protector. Our Specialists will train you and your dog to protect you and your family thus giving you a safer feeling. Many Dog owners want only the “appearance” of a protection dog, one that will not bite but will bark on command, will alert you when strangers are near or if anything is suspicious. Our Specialists begin by teaching your dog to react to suspicious situations that might harm you or your family. They are not trained to bite, but they will convince unwanted visitors to leave. The Dog Training Clinic offers protection training for both the owner and their dog so once you and your dog have graduated, you feel safe knowing you have a dog that is trained to protect your family and property. It is very important to remember, your pet will still be your pet, only better trained and under control.

7568 Coconut Blvd,
West Palm Beach, FL 33412


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